HomeGlossaryLazy loading

Lazy loading

Lazy loading is a technique used in web development to improve the performance and speed of a website or web page. It works by loading only the content that is visible to the user, and postponing the loading of content that is not currently visible. This can significantly reduce the amount of data that needs to be transferred, which can improve the loading speed of the page and provide a better user experience.

For example, if a web page contains a long list of items, lazy loading can be used to only load the items that are currently visible on the screen. As the user scrolls down the page, more items will be loaded as needed. This can reduce the initial loading time of the page, and make it feel more responsive and fluid to the user.

Lazy loading can be implemented using a variety of techniques, such as loading content in chunks, using placeholder images, or using JavaScript to load content asynchronously. The specific technique used will depend on the needs and requirements of the website or web page.

In addition to improving the performance of a website or web page, lazy loading can also help save bandwidth and reduce server costs. This makes it a valuable technique for optimizing the performance of any website or web-based application.

Outbound links

Outbound links in SEO refer to hyperlinks on a website that direct users to a page on a different website. These links are important for SEO as they can demonstrate the relevancy and quality of the content to search engines, potentially improving a site’s search ranking. They help in establishing a network of relevant resources, enhancing the user experience and credibility of a site.

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404 error

A 404 error indicates that a webpage is not found on a website, typically due to a broken link or deleted page. In terms of SEO, encountering a 404 error can negatively impact a website’s ranking on search engine results pages, as it provides a poor user experience and reduces the site’s credibility and authority. Fixing these errors promptly is crucial for maintaining a healthy SEO performance.

Google E-A-T

Google E-A-T refers to expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness, which are criteria used by Google to evaluate the quality of a website’s content. Websites with strong E-A-T are more likely to rank higher in search engine results, as Google aims to provide users with reliable and accurate information from trustworthy sources. SEO strategies should focus on building E-A-T through high-quality content, credible backlinks, and authoritative authorship.

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