

Bundling is a technique used in SEO to combine multiple pages or pieces of content into a single, cohesive unit. This can be done by combining multiple pages into a single landing page, or by grouping related content into a single article or blog post.

In SEO, bundling can be useful for improving the user experience and the performance of a website. By bundling related content into a single page or unit, businesses can make it easier for users to find and navigate the content on their site, and they can improve the loading speed and performance of their website.

To implement bundling on their website, businesses can combine multiple pages into a single landing page, or group related content into a single article or blog post. This can be done by using a content management system or by manually linking the pages or content together.

By using bundling and grouping related content into a single unit, businesses can improve the user experience of their website and improve their SEO.

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