HomeGlossaryConversion rate

Conversion rate

Conversion rate is a measure of how effectively a website is able to turn visitors into customers or leads. It is calculated by dividing the number of conversions (sales, leads, etc.) by the number of website visitors and expressing the result as a percentage.

In SEO, conversion rate is an important metric because it can indicate how well a website is meeting the needs of its users. A high conversion rate typically indicates that a website is providing value to its visitors, and is able to effectively guide them through the conversion process.

To improve a website’s conversion rate, it is important to optimize the website for conversions. This can involve conducting user research to understand the needs and motivations of the website’s target audience, and designing the website and its content to meet those needs and guide users towards the desired action (making a purchase, filling out a form, etc.).

Optimizing a website for conversions can also involve testing different elements of the website, such as the layout, copy, and calls to action, to see which versions are most effective at converting visitors into customers or leads.

Overall, conversion rate is an important metric to consider in SEO, as it can indicate how well a website is meeting the needs of its users and guiding them towards the desired action. By optimizing the website for conversions, it is possible to improve the website’s conversion rate and increase its effectiveness at generating sales or leads.


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