Image carousels

Image carousels are a type of search engine result that displays a series of images in a rotating, slideshow-like format. Image carousels are commonly used in search engine results pages (SERPs) to showcase a collection of related images, such as product photos, portfolio samples, or featured articles.

Image carousels in SERPs typically appear in the form of a horizontal row of images, with navigation controls that allow the user to view the different images in the carousel. The images are usually accompanied by a title or description, and they can be clicked or tapped to view the full-size image or to visit the page where the image is hosted.

Image carousels in SERPs are generated using structured data, which is a standardized format for providing information about a web page. By adding structured data to a page, website owners can specify the images that should be included in an image carousel, and the information that should be displayed with each image.

Overall, image carousels in SERPs are a valuable tool for improving the visibility and relevance of a website or web page in search results. By providing additional information and images in a visually appealing and engaging format, image carousels can help attract more clicks and traffic to a website.

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