HomeGlossaryLocal queries

Local queries

In the context of search engine optimization (SEO), local queries are search terms that include a geographic location or indicate a local interest or intention. These queries often include the name of a city, state, or region, and they are typically used by users who are looking for information, products, or services that are relevant to a specific location.

For example, a local query might be “pizza near me,” “dentist in Los Angeles,” or “plumber in Chicago.” These queries indicate that the user is looking for something that is nearby or relevant to their current location, and they are often used by mobile users who are searching for information on the go.

Local queries are an important consideration for SEO, because they can provide opportunities for businesses and organizations to attract local traffic and customers. By optimizing their website and content for local queries, businesses and organizations can improve their visibility and ranking in the search results for users who are searching for relevant products and services in their area.

In addition, local queries can provide valuable insights into the interests and needs of local users, which can help businesses and organizations to tailor their content and strategies to better meet the needs of their target audience. By understanding the local queries that are relevant to their business or organization, they can create content that is more likely to be found and engaged with by users in their area.

404 error

A 404 error indicates that a webpage is not found on a website, typically due to a broken link or deleted page. In terms of SEO, encountering a 404 error can negatively impact a website’s ranking on search engine results pages, as it provides a poor user experience and reduces the site’s credibility and authority. Fixing these errors promptly is crucial for maintaining a healthy SEO performance.


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Bounce rate

Bounce rate is a measure of how many visitors to a website leave the site after viewing only one page. It is calculated by dividing


Bots, also known as web crawlers or spiders, are software programs that are used by search engines to discover, index, and rank the pages on

Fetch and Render tool

The Fetch and Render tool is a tool in Google Search Console that allows website owners to see how Google crawls and renders a webpage.

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