HomeGlossaryPurchased links

Purchased links

Purchased links are links that are bought and sold for the purpose of improving a website’s ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs). These links are typically obtained from link brokers or other third-party sources, and are often placed on websites or web pages with the goal of increasing the link popularity and authority of the website that the link is pointing to.

In the context of search engine optimization (SEO), purchased links can be considered a form of link manipulation, as they are often obtained and placed with the goal of improving a website’s ranking on SERPs. This practice is generally discouraged by search engines, as it can create an unfair advantage for websites that use purchased links, and can result in the manipulation of search results.

To avoid the use of purchased links, it’s important to focus on earning natural, high-quality links to your website. This can be done by creating valuable, relevant, and engaging content that others will want to link to, and by engaging in outreach and link building activities that are focused on earning genuine links from other websites.

In addition to avoiding the use of purchased links, it’s also important to avoid participating in link schemes or other practices that can be seen as manipulative or spammy. These practices can include things like buying or selling links, exchanging links with other websites, or participating in link networks or link farms.

By avoiding the use of purchased links and participating in link schemes, you can help improve the credibility and trustworthiness of your website, and can avoid being penalized by search engines for engaging in manipulative practices. This can help improve your website’s ranking on search engine results pages and attract more organic traffic to your site.

Paid links

Paid links are hyperlinks on a website that have been purchased for the purpose of boosting search engine rankings. These links are paid for by the website owner to appear on other sites, rather than being earned naturally through quality content or organic traffic. Search engines like Google penalize websites that use paid links to manipulate their rankings.

Keyword cannibalization

Keyword cannibalization refers to the situation where multiple pages on a website are targeting the same keyword or set of keywords, leading to competition between the pages in search engine results. This can confuse search engines and make it harder for any of the pages to rank well for the targeted keywords. It is important to identify and resolve keyword cannibalization issues to improve SEO performance and ensure that each page ranks effectively for its intended keywords.

Google Analytics goals

Google Analytics goals are specific actions or events that a business wants a user to take on their website. These goals can be anything from


DOM, short for Document Object Model, is a programming interface that allows developers to manipulate the contents of a website in real-time. The DOM represents


In the context of search engine optimization (SEO), a channel refers to a medium or platform through which users can access and interact with a


HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) is the foundational protocol used by the World Wide Web for transmitting data between a web server and a user’s browser. HTTPS (HTTP Secure) is an extension of HTTP, incorporating encryption through SSL/TLS to enhance security by protecting data exchanged online from interception or tampering. In the context of SEO, websites using HTTPS are often favored by search engines like Google, potentially improving their search ranking because they are perceived as more secure and trustworthy by users.

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