HomeGlossaryInformational queries

Informational queries

In the context of search engine optimization (SEO), informational queries are user-generated search terms that indicate a desire for information or knowledge on a specific topic. These queries often begin with words like “what,” “how,” “why,” or “where,” and they are typically used to find answers to questions, learn about a subject, or research a topic.

For example, an informational query might be “what is SEO,” “how to make a cake,” or “why is the sky blue.” These queries indicate that the user is looking for information or knowledge, rather than a specific product or service.

Informational queries are an important consideration for SEO, because they can provide opportunities for businesses and organizations to provide valuable content that answers users’ questions and satisfies their informational needs. By creating content that is relevant and useful for informational queries, businesses and organizations can attract traffic to their websites and increase their visibility and authority in the search results.

Informational queries can also provide valuable insights into the interests and needs of users, which can help businesses and organizations to tailor their content and strategies to better meet the needs of their target audience. By understanding the informational queries that are relevant to their business or organization, they can create content that is more likely to be found and engaged with by users.

Inbound links

Inbound links, also known as backlinks, are links from other websites that lead to your website. In the context of SEO (Search Engine Optimization), they are considered valuable because they signal to search engines that other websites consider your content valuable and relevant, potentially improving your site’s ranking in search engine results pages.


When a webpage is deindexed, it means that it has been removed from the index of a search engine. A search engine’s index is a

MUM (Multitask Unified Model)

MUM (Multitask Unified Model) is a highly advanced artificial intelligence model developed by Google to improve search engine capabilities. It is designed to understand and generate language with a deep understanding of context, making it possible to provide more accurate and comprehensive answers to complex search queries. MUM aims to interpret and process information across different languages and formats (such as text, images, and videos) to enhance the user’s search experience by offering more relevant and detailed results.


Caching is a technique that is used to improve the performance and loading speed of a website. When a web page is cached, a copy

Keyword proximity

Keyword proximity refers to the distance between two or more keywords within a webpage or article. Search engines use keyword proximity to determine the relationship between words and prioritize content that has keywords closely located to each other. By optimizing keyword proximity, websites can improve their search engine rankings and increase visibility in search results.


Follow is a value that can be added to a hyperlink to indicate to search engines that the link should be followed and counted as

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