HomeGlossaryURL folders

URL folders

What are URL folders? In SEO terms, URL folders are a way of organizing your website’s pages into categories. This helps search engines understand the structure of your site and can make it easier for visitors to find the information they’re looking for.

For example, in redzo.digital/seo/, the seo folder contains all of the files for the blog page.

Neural matching

Neural matching is a machine learning technique used by search engines to better understand the context and intent behind search queries. It helps search engines deliver more relevant results by analyzing the meaning of words and phrases rather than just matching keywords. This helps improve the overall accuracy and relevance of search results for users.

Internal links

In the context of search engine optimization (SEO), internal links are links that point to other pages within the same website. These links are used

Content audit

A content audit in SEO refers to the process of analyzing and evaluating all the content on a website to assess its quality, relevance, and performance. This helps in identifying areas for improvement, gaps in content, and opportunities for optimization to enhance the overall search engine visibility and user experience of the website.

Local business schema

Local business schema in SEO is a type of structured data markup that helps search engines understand the information on a website better. It provides

Programming language

A programming language is a set of instructions and rules that a computer follows to perform a specific task or process. It allows developers to

Content marketing

Content marketing is a strategic approach to creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract a target audience and drive profitable customer action. In the context of SEO, content marketing plays a crucial role in improving a website’s visibility in search engine results by providing high-quality, engaging content that aligns with user search intent and helps boost organic traffic.

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