HomeGlossaryAdvanced search operators

Advanced search operators

Advanced search operators are special characters or commands that can be used in a search query to refine or specify the results. These operators are used to search for specific types of content, such as images or videos, or to exclude certain words or websites from the results.

In SEO, advanced search operators can be useful for analyzing a website’s ranking and visibility in search engine results. By using these operators, businesses can see how their website is performing for specific keywords or queries, and they can identify areas for improvement.

To use advanced search operators, businesses can enter the operator followed by a keyword or phrase in the search bar of a search engine. For example, using the “site:” operator followed by a website’s URL will return all of the pages from that site in the search results.

By using advanced search operators, businesses can gain valuable insights into their ranking and visibility in search engine results and identify areas for improvement in their SEO strategy.

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