Crawl budget is the amount of time and resources that a search engine, such as Google, is willing to devote to crawling and indexing a website. Crawl budget is limited, and is determined by a number of factors, such as the number of pages on a website, the speed of the website, and the relevance of the website’s content to the search engine’s users.
In SEO, crawl budget is important because it determines how often and how deeply a search engine will crawl and index a website. If a website has a high crawl budget, it is more likely to be crawled and indexed frequently, which can improve its search engine ranking and visibility to users.
To improve a website’s crawl budget, it is important to optimize the website for search engine crawling and indexing. This can involve improving the website’s speed and performance, ensuring that it is easy for search engines to access and crawl the website’s content, and providing high-quality, relevant, and useful content that is valuable to search engine users.
It is also important to monitor the website’s crawl budget, and to make any necessary changes to improve it. This can involve using tools such as Google Search Console to view the website’s crawl stats, and to identify any issues or opportunities for improvement.
Overall, crawl budget is an important factor to consider in SEO, as it determines how often and how deeply a search engine will crawl and index a website. By optimizing the website for crawling and indexing, and monitoring the website’s crawl budget, it is possible to improve a website’s search engine ranking and visibility to users.